We are thankful for all the Lord has done and 2016 has not yet begun!

7338480aea9a1d594aed7677cfc776b7Our schedule is starting to fill up for the coming year. As we finish out this year our calendar is now scheduled now until March 2016.  NMM is praying about and possibly looking to be involved to co-host a conference in May in Lake County. With the fires and devastation that have occurred there since July we felt to go and be there. We will be leaving Nov 14-17th to speak at our friend’s Pastor Mark and Linda Brown’s church, New Life Foursquare in Lakeport. That evening we are having an open house with worship, prayer and encouragement with NMM preparing the main dish and sharing a meal and fellowship for all those who have labored to help those who have lost so much to be refreshed. It is a New Day Dawning and it’s time to sing our song again – Glory to God!