Purpose and Focus:

Seeing God’s people living life naturally spiritual and spiritually natural, being free to be all that they were created to be. Being real, knowing and walking in their true identity and learning how to co-labor with Christ and partner with the Holy Spirit in what He is doing in the midst of their daily lives. Practically and spiritually releasing the Kingdom wherever they go to meet the needs of people and transform lives by the power of His love, joy, hope, peace, grace, and healing.

  • Coming into a fuller revelation of your true identity in Christ
  • Empowering you to know, access and release the Kingdom of God in your daily life
  • Personally experiencing to hear, see and, know when God speaks
  • Learning to encourage and strengthen yourself in the Lord, making it a lifestyle
  • Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit in your life and gifts
  • Living and growing in your commitment in Kingdom, family, community and relationships
  • Living life as an adventure, looking for the treasure in people and calling it forth
  • Living a life of activation!

(1 Peter 2:9, Mark 16:15-20, John 10:27, Is 30:21, Phil 4:13, 1 Sam 30:6, Gal 5:22, Acts 2:46-47, John 14:12, Romans 15:13)

Learning to live a transformed life as a new creation in Christ

Transformed people transform cities and change the atmosphere when they worship Him with their whole lives and speak and release His Words of love, life, hope, healing, grace, freedom, and just simply obey what He tells them to do and go where He asks them to go.

Ambassador for Christ

We are Christ’s Ambassadors, ministers of reconciliation that are taught and learn to be led by the Holy Spirit to be naturally supernatural and supernaturally natural. Becoming a positive influence and being a catalyst of change in their generation that affects the culture. To both spiritually and practically meet the needs of people through Christ as the Holy Spirit leads. Co-laboring with Christ and partnering with the Holy Spirit, following His agenda to fulfill His purpose.

People who see God for Who He is

People who know God and people who make Him known by truly living their lives in a way to display that their God reigns and His Kingdom reigns forever!

The best is truly yet to come!


But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the go message through the accompanying signs. Mark 16:20

And they went out, and proclaimed everywhere, while the Lord was working together with them and confirming the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but now are the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. 1 Peter 2:9-10

2 Cor. 5:20, 2 Cor. 5:17, Gal. 5:22-23, John 15:16, Rev. 21:5 and so much more!

* Scripture reference from the New American Standard Bible