2017 The best is yet to come!

This year the door has opened to new opportunities. This year is different than every year that has been before. It is NEW! The Lord showed me that we will walk in a greater awareness of His Presence, His provision into the new direction He is leading us on this year. We have watched the transformation of our church being planted and change into what is now called Encounter Church. New adventures in God are awaiting us all! The best is truly yet to come!

I received a confirmation to this word on 03-16-2017 when I took a call from an 80 year old man on the phone that said that I have not seen anything yet, the best is yet to come! I love how He confirms His word that He speaks to us out of the blue by someone who calls and gives you a message, who you do not know, that confirms exactly what He has been speaking to you.